Shore Up Financial Services

Direct Lender


Purchase Rehab, Rental &

Construction Loans

Book an


Each business and person we work with is unique and no two are alike. Book an appointment and let's discuss your unique needs. We're committed to working together to support your business's financial vision and customize a plan for your thriving business goals.

What to expect from our call:

Discussion of your financing and/or capital raising goals

How we work and can best serve you in meeting your goals

Steps to get started!...items we will need from you


Carla G., Founder

As a 20+ yr veteran in business...Real Estate Broker, Developer, and Entrepreneur...I'm keenly aware of how access to money is often one of the biggest challenges a business owner faces.

I have always been a "student " of finance...forever on the search of the most creative and liberal financing sources to leverage my investments and operating capital.

I created Shore Up, as a small business owner, for small business owners, to address these financing obstacles...and now, we have "unprecedented" access to cash and credit sources that small business owners can utilize to grow their businesses!

Book your appointment today and let's "Get You FUNDED!"

Shore Up Financial Services

"Experience the Power of Leverage! Transform Your Real Estate Investments with Our High-Leverage Loans."

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Contact Us

(855) 496-FUND(3863)

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